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Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots

We are discussing Coldest Places to Travel in India. We're going to travel through some quite cold locations in India, so you're going to need a warmer and some hot coffee.
We are discussing Coldest Places to Travel in India. We're going to travel through some quite cold locations in India, so you're going to need a warmer and some hot coffee.
We are discussing Coldest Places to Travel in India. We're going to travel through some quite cold locations in India, so you're going to need a warmer and some hot coffee.
Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots

India’s geography varies from north to south and from east to west. From stunning beaches in southern tropical India to snow-capped icecaps in northern temperate India, from the arid desert of western India to the hills in eastern India that receive the greatest rain. The world’s most populous nation is India, where there are some locations where there are very little odds for any one person to survive.

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Your skin will freeze in minutes if left exposed in these temperatures, and your breath will crystallise when you exhale. You will also get sunburn and cold bites simultaneously, and a regular thermometer won’t function there.

We are discussing Coldest Places to Travel in India. We’re going to travel through some quite cold locations in India, so you’re going to need a warmer and some hot coffee.

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India

Manali’s Rohtang Pass

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Manali’s Rohtang Pass

Manali’s Rohtang Pass elevation: 3978 metres

The lowest temperature is -20°C.

Temperature range: -20 to 30°C average

Where: Himachal Pradesh’s Manali

The best months to go are: May through November.

The Himachal Pradesh city of Manali is home to Rohtang La or Pass, which is located in the Pir Panjal Range. It links the Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys. With a height of 4,111 metres, or 13,500 feet, it is one of India’s highest mountain passes. Every year, from May to November, it stays open. Travellers must go from Manali or the Spiti Valley to Rohtang. One list of India’s coldest locations includes Rohtang Pass. This location experiences temperatures that are below freezing for around half of the year.

This place experiences winters with an average temperature of -5°C. -20°C was the lowest temperature that was measured. This pass is still covered in ice for almost the entire year. In addition to being among the coldest locations, Rohtang Pass is a popular travel destination. Thousands of visitors are drawn in by the breathtaking views of the valleys and mountains. Popular winter activities including skiing, sledding, and snowboarding are also well-known.

Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

1585 metres above sea level

The lowest temperature is -15°C.

Temperature range: -15 to 30°C on average

Where: Jammu and Kashmir

April through October : is the ideal time to go.

Srinagar is renowned for its tranquil beauty and beautiful scenery. It is one of India’s coldest locations and is situated in Jammu and Kashmir. This location has ever recorded a low temperature of -15°C. The popular Dal Lake in Srinagar is a popular wintertime destination for both locals and visitors seeking warmth and sun protection from the cold. Wintertime temperatures can drop as low as -15°C, which is quite uncomfortable.

The people of Jammu and Kashmir have developed a variety of coping mechanisms for the winter and have become accustomed to the harsh weather. Typically, people stay inside of well-insulated homes with heaters and bonfires, wearing warm clothing. The locals have a fantastic trick for escaping the weather and staying warm: wear boots, shawls, and caps. Despite the severe winters, millions of tourists travel to Srinagar each year to take in the calm scenery and the majestic Himalayan mountains covered with snow.

Jammu and Kashmir’s Sonamarg

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Jammu and Kashmir’s Sonamarg

2730 metres above sea level

15.1°C :is the minimum temperature.

Temperature range: -15 to 30°C on average

Location: Jammu & Kashmir’s Ganderbal

April through November : is the ideal period to visit.

Sonmarg is situated in Jammu and Kashmir’s Ganderbal City. It is well-known as a tourist destination and as one of India’s coldest locations. It is located around 9,000 feet above sea level, and the region experiences severe weather for the majority of the year. The average annual temperature is -6°C, meaning that even the summers are frigid. The lowest temperature ever recorded was -15.1°C during the winter. Jammu & Kashmir’s stunning hill station is called Sonmarg.

Because the temperature stays close to freezing throughout the year, it is both hostile and almost hospitable. The magnificence of the mountains and valleys, however, never lets the howling cold deter people from exploring them. Sonmarg is open to visitors from April through November. The locals have developed numerous adaptations to withstand the severe winters. To keep heat contained inside the house, they make use of bonfires and well-insulated walls. In Sonmarg, visitors can enjoy leisurely horseback or pony rides at various glaciers.

Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh

Spiti Valley Elevation: 4270 metres

The lowest temperature is -30°C.

Temperature range: -30 to 25°C average

Location: Himachal Pradesh’s Lahaul and Spiti

Best times to go: March through June and October through November

The State of Himachal Pradesh’s northeastern portion is home to Spiti Valley. It’s among India’s coldest locations. The massive Himalayas and the desolate Trans-Himalayas are separated by the Spiti Valley. During the winter, the valley’s average temperature drops to -5°C, with a possible minimum temperature of -30°C. Another name for it is the freezing desert. The Spiti Valley is well-known for its stark scenery, which includes snow-capped peaks, steep canyons, and a frigid high desert. Every year, a large number of nature lovers and adventure seekers visit this highly esteemed location to discover and relish its distinct beauty and adventures.

Since Spiti Valley is so frigid, it is sometimes known as Little Tibet. Numerous Tibetan communities and monasteries can be found there. The valley is traversed by the powerful Spiti river, which supplies residents and tourists with water. In the valley, a variety of tourist activities are scheduled, including mountain biking, skiing, and trekking. To make ends meet, the majority of the locals work in agriculture and animal husbandry. For the residents, tourism is a significant source of income.

Munisiyari, Uttarakhand

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Munisiyari, Uttarakhand

2200 metres in altitude

12°C is the minimum temperature.

Temperature range: -12 to 25°C average

Place: Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh

The best months to go are March through : June and September and October.

The unusual little town of Munisiyari is located in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. Because of its stunning scenery and visual beauty, it is also known as Little Kashmir. One of the coldest locations in India is Munisiyari. Approximately 7,200 feet are above sea level. In the winter, this region can experience temperatures as low as -15°C.

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Munisiyari is a well-known tourist spot encircled by intriguing mountains covered in snow. The Goriganga River attracts a lot of tourists because it is only about 17 kilometres from Munisiyari. Thousands of pilgrims visit the numerous shrines and temples in this popular tourist destination each year. The locals are incredibly kind and inviting. People have developed a variety of strategies to help tourists in various ways and live in extreme weather conditions. From Munisiyari base, people walk to Nanda Devi Peak, the Ralam and Milam Glaciers, and other locations.

Sela Pass, Tawang

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Sela Pass, Tawang

Sela Pass, 4,170 metres

The lowest temperature is -15°C.

Temperature range: -15 to 20°C average

Where: Arunachal Pradesh’s Tawang

Best times to go: March through May and October through November

Northeastern India’s heavenly state of Arunachal Pradesh is home to Sela Pass. It is one of India’s coldest locations and is located in the Tawang area. Roughly 13,700 feet are above sea level at this altitude. It is a popular vacation spot and a haven for thrill seekers. Sela Pass is referred to as Tawang’s entrance. The major tourist destination in Arunachal Pradesh is Tawang.

Sela is encircled by frozen lakes, verdant valleys, and the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains. Red pandas, black bears, and musk deer are just a few of the unique and endangered animal and plant species that call this area home. The path leading to Sela Pass is avalanche prone, landslides occur frequently, and the weather is frigid. Naturalists and adventure seekers come to Sela Pass rather than difficult and severe conditions. There are several well-known trekking routes in Sela Pass, including the Tawang walk.

Lachen and Thangu Valley, North Sikkim

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Lachen and Thangu Valley, North Sikkim

Elevation: 3962 metres Lachen and Thangu Valley, North Sikkim

The lowest temperature is -20°C.

Temperature range: -20 to 10°C average

Location: North Sikkim’s Mangan

The best months to go are : May and June.

Thangu Valley is situated 30 kilometres north of Lachen in the Mangan district of the state of Sikkim. It is situated in Sikkim’s northern regions. The biggest draws for tourists to this area are the serene valleys and picturesque landscapes. Approximately 3962 metres are above sea level.

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It stays blanketed with snow for nearly the entire year. The beautiful Teesta River irrigates the alpine meadows that blanket the valley. Tourists are drawn to Thangu Village because of its delicious local food and friendly atmosphere. Gurudongmar Lake, which draws millions of tourists each year, is the valley’s main draw. Popular short hikes in this region include the Green Lake, Chopta region, and Muguthang treks, among others.

Leh Ladakh

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Leh Ladakh

Leh Ladakh :3500 metres above sea level

Temperature Lowest: -35°C

Temperature range: -35 to 30°C on average

Location: Ladakh’s Leh

The best months to go are : April, May, and September through October.

The northernmost part of India is home to Leh Ladakh, a recently established Union Territory. One of the country’s coldest regions is Ladakh, sometimes known as the “cold desert of India.” Ladakh is located about 11,000 feet above sea level, and the region is known for its severe winters and unpredictable weather. Wintertime minimums can drop as low as -30°C.

It is reported that on a sunny winter’s day in Ladakh, one can get both sunburn and coldbite at the same time. There are many Buddhist villages and monasteries in Ladakh. It is well-known for its frozen lakes, breathtaking scenery, high altitude desert, and snow-capped mountains. The capital and administrative centre of Ladakh is Leh. It is Ladakh’s largest town, with Kargil coming in second. One of the world’s least inhabited areas is Ladakh.

Ladakh is traversed by numerous powerful rivers, including the Indus, Nubra, Shyok, Zanskar, and Suru. Every year, thousands of bikers travel to Ladakh, India, to enjoy the chilly desert.

Siachen Glacier

Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Siachen Glacier

Height of Siachen Glacier: 5400 metres

The lowest temperature is -50°C.

Temperature range: -50 to -10°C average

Place: Ladakh’s Karakoram

The best months to go are : May through September.

India’s second-coldest spot is Siachen Glacier. It is situated in Ladakh’s Karakoram. At almost 20,000 feet above sea level, it is regarded as the highest battleground in the world. The longest glacier in the world, measuring about 76 km, is encircled by the highest summits of snow-capped mountains. It is a livable yet isolated location that is only reachable by air. It is the biggest glacier in the Karakoram range and a part of the Himalayas. Here, rivers like the Nubra and Shyok flow.

The neighbouring mountains provide it with snow and ice. With severe weather and a potential low of -50°C, winters are particularly hard. This area is extremely prone to avalanches and blizzards, making it extremely risky to live and work here. Our Indian army is stationed there continuously to guard the glacier since it is strategically significant to our nation.


Top 10 Coldest Places to Travel in India: Extremely Chilly Winter Vacation Spots | Dras

Altitude of Dras: 3300 m

The lowest temperature is -45°C.

Average temperature: between -45 and 35 °C

Location: Ladakh’s Kargil

The best months to go are : June through September.

The Dras valley is regarded as India’s coldest location. It is located in the Indian Union Territory of Ladakh’s city of Kargil. Situated 10,990 feet above sea level, the Dras valley is encircled by the majestic Himalayan mountains. The distance from Kargil is over sixty km. The Dras Valley is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, gorgeous rivers, and captivating vistas.

Dras valley is practically uninhabitable throughout the winter due to harsh weather and excessive temperatures caused by adverse climate conditions. The majority of the winter is spent in snowfall. In this area, the temperature can dip as low as -45°C. Dras has an ice sheet covering for the most of the year, which is perfect for all winter activities including skiing, ice skating, and snowboarding. The residents of the Dras Valley continue to combat the winters using their customs. It is also well-known for its hiking trails, which draw travellers seeking adventure from all over the world. The Amarnath Yatra is a well-known trekking path in this area with significant spiritual and religious value.

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