Keeping your food in check is the greatest method to keep your body cool during summer, especially when the mercury starts to rise and guzzling copious amounts of water seems to be ineffective. With the temperature skyrocketing, this will lower internal heat and increase your comfort level.
Eight Summer Foods To Keep Your Body Cool You Stay Cool And Healthy

Heard the saying “cool as a cucumber”? The body instantaneously becomes more hydrated and loses heat when cubed. Eat them raw as a salad, pair them with your preferred dip, or puree them into a ginger-lemon drink. How you eat them is not incorrect.

During the summer, musk melons and watermelons are in high demand. The juicy melons are a terrific summertime companion, packed with essential nutrients. They replenish the body with vital nutrients like fibre, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B in addition to providing it with water.
Leafy Greens

The body benefits from the high nutrient value and calcium content of green leafy vegetables, which also have a cooling effect. Your summertime talismans should include kale, spinach, lettuce, amaranth, and Chinese cabbage. Smoothies, salads, or as an accompaniment to a meal can all be enjoyed with them.

The ageless wisdom of buttermilk, the quintessential summertime beverage in India, is evident. It also helps with digestion in addition to keeping you hydrated. For an extra burst of energy, pair it with some ginger, fresh coriander, and roasted cumin seeds.

The finest fruit to help lower body temperature is the king of fruits. There are numerous methods to include it in your diet. Eat it raw, as chutney or curry, or as the classic summer beverage, aam Panna. Mangoes improve energy levels, aid in digestion, and prevent heat strokes. Read more about mangoes’ health advantages here.

Garnishing your glass of water with a lemon wedge is the simplest method to add flavour. They provide a healthy dose of Vitamin C to your diet, strengthen your immune system, and make your skin glow. Therefore, enjoy your lemonade produced with simple water or squeeze some lemon juice or salad dressing.

Electrolytes found in coconut water aid in maintaining your body temperature and hydration. The power drink, which is full of vital electrolytes, keeps one hydrated and energised all day long while also helping one combat summertime heat. It will help you digest food better and stay hydrated.

Lime also has cooling qualities, as does the herb mint. A really cool summertime beverage can be made by combining the two.
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Both peppermint and spearmint are ideal for summertime use, and they are among the easiest herbs to find fresh in the market. Mint aids with digestion while keeping the body cool. Along with easing melancholy and exhaustion, it also improves headaches and nausea. Adding mint leaves to tea will make you perspire more, which will lower your body temperature.
Crushed mint leaves can be added to a jar of water and consumed throughout the day. Before drinking the water, take careful to let the mint leaves steep in it for an hour.
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